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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Ron Fry at Catterick in 1949

Yet another photo of dad at Catterick in 1949.

(Click on the photo to enlarge. High resolution versions are available)

Dad has written a lot on the back of this photo.

It says:
22149561 TPR R Fry
A Squadron
8 Royal Tank Regiment
Waitwith Lines
Catterick Camp
1st September 1949

The photo is also signed by dad in the bottom left hand corner. If anybody can make out the line above Catterick Camp which appears to say Wait with Lines can they please let me know.

(Click on the photo to enlarge. High resolution versions are available)

UPDATE (3/3/2005): With help from Glyn Davies and George Moores on the Queen's Royal Hussars Bulletin Board I have worked out the line above Catterick Camp which reads Waitwith Lines. Further information can be read here.

"WAITWITH, a hamlet in the parish of Catterick, North Riding county York, 3 miles S.E. of Richmond, near the river Swale." This was the last camp to the north of Catterick Garrison and was always the RAC Training Regiments barracks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The indecipherable words on the back of the picture on your weblog -

That's 'Waiterith Lines' by the look of it. It just basically means 'Waiterith Camp'.

The name 'Waiterith' is unfamiliar to me. Normally a camp is named after someone or something famous. Perhaps someone else can comment.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005 1:15:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glyn is right it is WAITWITH LINES.
This was the last camp to the north of Catterick Garrison and was always the RAC Training Regiments barracks.

I myself did my Basic Training there with a regiment known as 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales Own)
They were such a bad training that they were moved from Waitwith Lines in May/ June 1960 after a big scandal exposed in the Daily Mirror, about the treatment being meted out to the Trainees.

I was badged to the Queen's Royal Irish Hussars, the successor to your fathers 8th Hussars, they were amalgated with 4th Queen's Own Hussars in 1958.

I think that Waitwith Lines was closed after that episode.
The next time I went to Catterick was to an Old Comrades reunion and I found that Waitwith Lines was no more the camp were the QRIH were was now the last camp in the North with a direct access to the Tank Training Area on Catterick Moors.

There is an Old Comrades troop in York, currently run by a Bernard Sharp, if you check on the QRH website you will see contact info for the various OC Troops round the UK.

Hope this is of some help.
My name is George Moores and I served with the QRIH for 22 years finishing as the Int and Training WO and have been in civvi street since 1982, am now fully retired but am in close contact with the current regiment and The Old Comrades Association.

Kind Regards,
George Moores

Wednesday, March 02, 2005 1:19:00 am  

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